Mahuta Sale Report 2024

It was a good day to see everyone who came to our annual yearling bull sale on 13th September 2024. There were 64 bulls offered and all sold with an average price of $3,803.

Transfers included Otopawa Hereford Stud lot 8 for $11,000 and lot 3 for $7,500; Lot 10 to Shadow  Downs Herefords for $7,200; Lot 6 to Tawanui Herefords $2,500; Lot 1 to Muzzal Herefords $4,000 and lot 18 for $3,000; Lot 44 to Hoobees Herefords for $4,200; Lot 50 to Maui Herefords for $3,900. 

Other prices over $5,000 included Onereri Station lot 41 for $6,200; P.J. Ward Family Trust lot 15 for $6,000; Harena Farms lot 9 for $5,000 and lot 39 for $5,200; Waytemore Farms lot 26 for $5,500 and lot 45 for $5,700.